In a world where our choices matter more than ever, it is essential to know the story behind the products. At Baksana, we’re committed to offering you more than just beautiful linens and homewares; we’re dedicated to ethical sourcing and responsible business practices. Below you can learn all about Sedex, a behind-the-scenes tool that helps us deliver not only quality but also ethics and transparency to our supply chain.

What is Sedex?
Sedex, short for Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is a global platform designed to ensure that companies like Baksana can maintain and improve their ethical and responsible performance within their supply chains. Founded in 2001, Sedex is an invaluable resource that supports Baksana’s mission of offering our customers products that reflect our commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing.

How Does Sedex Benefit You?
1. Assurance of Ethical Sourcing: Sedex enables us to transparently share ethical and responsible sourcing data with our suppliers. This means that you as a customer can trust that the products you purchase from us at Baksana are made with care, integrity, and respect for both people and the environment.
2. Quality and Safety: Through Sedex, we can manage and schedule ethical audits of our suppliers, ensuring that the products we bring to you meet our stringent quality and safety standards. This means your satisfaction and well-being are at the forefront of our concerns when dealing with our suppliers.
3. Sustainability: We are passionate about sustainability at Baksana, and Sedex helps us access and mitigate risks in our supply chain, ensuring that our choices align with our commitment to environmental responsibility.
4. Transparency: Sedex fosters transparency by offering a platform for us to openly communicate our ethical and social performance data. We believe that you deserve to know the story behind your linens, and Sedex helps us share that story with you.
5. Your Peace of Mind: When you choose Baksana, you’re not just choosing beautiful products; you’re choosing to support ethical practices and responsible sourcing. Sedex plays a vital role in helping us at Baksana maintain our reputation for integrity and reliability.

By learning about Sedex, you gain insight into the steps we take at Baksana to ensure that your choices align with our values. We believe informed customers make the most meaningful choices, and we want you to feel proud in your decision to choose Baksana in your home.  With Sedex, we can simplify the complexities of ethical supply chain management so that you can shop with confidence and make choices that reflect your commitment to a better world.